Comment Bonus API

Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Maintenance fixes only

This module enhances the standard Drupal comment module's API by providing hooks in comment_render(), which allow you to manipulate comment threads in your own way.

It also provides a better comment-wrapper template with the ability to place form on top of comments and other useful stuff (like in Drupal 7). Since this module is not used in the Drupal 7 version of ajax_comments, it will not be ported unless someone identifies a need.

You need this module if:

  • You use the Drupal 6 version of the Ajax Comments module. This module is a prerequisite. Drupal 7 ajax_comments does not require this module.
  • You wish to use some of the more advanced custom rendering of comments. This is excellent for additional theme enhancements with more control provided by comment-wrapper.tpl.php.

The module is well-tested and in wide use, however there may be an issue with Panels. Patches and fixes are welcome.
#672722: Add compatibility with panels

7.x Version

The 7.x version is under development. It currently supports settings for content types to change the sort order of comments on nodes. The currently supported sorts are by Newest, Oldest, Most replies, and there is a submodule that sorts by most votes using Voting API and supported through Vote Up / Down.

There is a key difference between the sorting mechanism for this module and Comment Goodness. When sorting, this module ALWAYS treats replies to individual comments as a thread and ALWAYS has replies to comments in the order they were created. For the Oldest sort (supported by core) this will not make a difference. But for the Newest sort (supported by Comment Goodness) this module will only sort the top level comments by newest comment first. The replies will still be in the order they were input. Comment Goodness just sorts all comments and replies by newest first. I don't think this approach makes sense if you are replying to an comment itself since there is a discussion thread for each top-level comment that only makes sense to read in the order it was placed. On the other hand changing the order of top-level comments is still coherent because they are essentially replies to the node itself.

The longer term goal for this module will be to 1) also support either a Views integration or exportable way to place comments with Panels or in blocks, 2), integrate better with login mechanisms to make it easier to login and immediately comment on nodes 3) create a consistent framework to allow AJAX Comments module to support different sorting mechanism for comments and to combine that with nodejs to have a scalable commenting system in Drupal to rival third-party plugin commenting systems.

Release Dates: 